What is a 0.75 handicap? Tips for choosing the right soccer bet

0.75 handicap is one of the popular Asian handicap types today. This form of betting helps bettors increase their income significantly each time they bet on football because it has a very attractive reward rate. The content below 711BET will provide information to help you better understand this bet.

Better understanding of 0.75 handicap

Better understanding of 0.75 handicap

Handicap in football sport betting attracts the attention of many bettors when launching attractive payouts. In which, bettors have the right to choose many different handicap rates and handicap 0.75 is an attractive betting form. When choosing a handicap rate, players need to pay attention to the difference in the score of the match.

Handicap 0.75 also known as handicap ¾ is known as the form of the upper team will give the lower team 0.75 goals on the field. Therefore, when betting, you must ensure that the upper handicap score is 1 goal higher than the lower handicap to be considered a win.

This betting bet often appears in matches with a large difference between the two participating teams. If bettors want to win the bet, they need to have experience as well as the ability to accurately predict.

How to calculate money when betting on a 0.75 handicap accurately

How to calculate money when betting on a 0.75 handicap accurately
  • When betting on a 0.75 handicap in football, players need to understand how to read it correctly to be more flexible when playing the game. For this betting rate, players first need to grasp the rules of the number of goals and then convert the corresponding money.
  • For example, bettors participate in betting on a 0.75 handicap between the two teams France and Belgium, with the upper odds of 0.96 and the lower odds of 1.15. At this time, you just need to choose the betting door and after the match ends, you will calculate the money according to the following rule:
  • If you bet on the upper odds and the final score is 1-0, 2-1, 3-2, … with a difference of 1, you will win half of the bet amount.
  • When you bet on the upper odds and the final score is 2-0, 3-1, 4-2, … with a difference of 2 or more, you will win the bonus amount = bet amount x 0.96.
  • In case the bettor bets on the underdog and the final score is a draw or the underdog wins, the amount the bettor receives will = bet amount x 1.15.
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The secret to always winning a 0.75 handicap

Most members when playing online football betting games are very hopeful to bring the highest bonus amount possible. New members who do not have much experience in playing just need to apply the tips below to increase their income significantly:

Using the strategy of analyzing the performance of two teams

When participating in football betting, if you choose a handicap of 0.75, you should consider the skills of the two teams. You should evaluate the ability of the two teams and then analyze whether to bet on the upper or lower odds to win. Members can also use the recent form of the players to determine whether the difference in scores is likely to occur or not. So whether you are a new player or a long-time bettor, you will no longer have to worry when placing bets.

Based on the rankings to evaluate the odds

Members who choose the 0.75 handicap can also use the rankings to choose the correct team. Because the rankings also partly assess the difference in level between the two teams. This secret is applied by many experts and gives extremely accurate results when applied.

Make predictions through historical matches

If in the past these two teams have competed for the score, bettors can rely on this score to predict the upcoming result. Therefore, players with a handicap of 0.75 will no longer encounter many difficulties, on the contrary, the probability of winning is also very high.

Things to note when choosing a 0.75 handicap

Things to note when choosing a 0.75 handicap
  • Currently, the number of bettors choosing to handicap 0.75 when playing football betting has increased significantly. However, in addition to mastering good playing tips, members should also note the following:
  • Should bet low money: You should not bet too high when playing handicap because football is still based on luck, so you should be careful to avoid losing bets.
  • Can apply the choice from experts: When participating in the game, members need to have very accurate calculations to make choices. If you still do not have much experience to choose correctly, players can apply the results from experts who have placed bets before.
  • Calculate before handicap 0.75: The betting system always offers very high rewards for betting odds, especially handicap. Therefore, to get the most satisfactory results, you should calculate whether to handicap 0.75 or handicap other odds to be safer.


The 0.75 handicap will certainly bring attractive profits to members, thereby making your dream of becoming a tycoon come true. So when betting on football at this rate, readers should not hesitate to choose to bet immediately.

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